As one of the academic implementing units in the UNDIKSHA (Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha), FMIPA or Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) has a history that cannot be separated from the history of UNDIKSHA. The history of to the founding of FMIPA began with the existence of three departments related to the field of Mathematics and Science, namely the Mathematics Education Department, the Physics Education Department, and the Biology Education Department from nine departments owned by the Faculty of Teacher Training of Universitas Udayana in 1979. In 1980 the Faculty of Teacher Training added one more department in the field of Mathematics and Science, namely the Chemistry Education Department. The lecturer who was assigned as a leader in each department at that time was Drs. Soejono as the Head of Mathematics Education Department, Drs. I Nyoman Suwitra as the Head of Physics Education Department, Dra. Ida Ayu Made Candra as the Head of the Biology Education Department, and Drs. I Ketut Sarna as Head of the Chemistry Education Department.

Based on the Presidential Decree Num. 62 of 1982 on February 12th, 1983, the Faculty of Teacher Training and the Faculty of Education, Universitas Udayana were merged into the FKIP or Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (Faculty of Teacher Training and Education) of Universitas Udayana. Since then, the Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry Education Departments were merged into the Mathematics and Science Education Department and changed the departments into Mathematics Education Study Programme, Physics Education Study Programme, Biology Education Study Programme, and Chemistry Education Study Programme. In Academic Year of 1988/1989 Mathematics and Science Department was trusted to carry out another new study programme, namely the Sports and Health Education Study Programme. In line with the change in FKIP of Universitas Udayana to become the STKIP or Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (Teacher Training and Education College) through Presidential Decree Num. 8 of 1993 on January 16th, 1993, the Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Study Programme was integrated into the Education Department. Thus, the Mathematics and Science Education Department was again in charge of four study programmes, namely: Mathematics Education Study Programme, Physics Education Study Programme, Biology Education Study Programme, and Chemistry Education Study Programme.

The Government’s policy to extend the mandate to LPTK or Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (Educational Personnel Education Institutions) motivated STKIP Singaraja to prepare for non-educational programmes. However, the status of a high school, there had not been a non-educational programme developed under the Mathematics and Science Education Department of STKIP Singaraja. Furthermore, through a fairly tough struggle to implement the plan to expand the mandate and through a feasibility study on the proposed change in the status of STKIP, finally based on Presidential Decree Num. 19 of 2001 on February 5th, 2001, STKIP Singaraja was approved to be changed to the IKIP Singaraja or Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Singaraja (Teacher Training and Education Institute State of Singaraja). By the change of STKIP Singaraja status to IKIP State of Singaraja, various non-educational study programmes were developed including the Chemical Analysis Study Programme under the Mathematics and Science Education Department. The Chemical Analysis Study Programme (Associate Programme) which was designed and proposed by the Chemistry Education Study Programme was established based on the Letter of the Director General of Higher Education Number 138/D/T/2002 on January 25th, 2002. Therefore, at the beginning of its service period, the Chemical Analysis Study Programme was chaired by Drs. I Wayan Redhana, M.Si who at that time was also the Head of the Chemistry Education Study Programme.

In the Academic Year of 2002/2003, through the OTK or Organisasi Tata Kerja (Work Administration Organization) and the Statute of the IKIP State of Singaraja, the Mathematics and Science Education Department was upgraded to a faculty, namely the FPMIPA or Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education) and changed the study programme to a department. During this period, FPMIPA supervised five departments, namely: Mathematics Education Department (Bachelor Programme), Physics Education Department (Bachelor Programme), Chemistry Education Department (Bachelor Programme), Biology Education Department (Bachelor Programme), and Chemical Analysis Department (Associate Programme). In this early period of leadership at FMIPA, Drs. Wayan Sogog was elected as the first FPMIPA Dean elected by the FPMIPA Senate.

Since becoming this faculty, FPMIPA had won various grants ranging from DUE-Like, SP4, SemiQue, PGSM, PGBI, PGMPABI, PHK A2 in several departments, and IMHERE. Through the IMHERE Programme, the Chemistry Education and Biology Education Department had held bilingual lectures. The Mathematics Education Department had also implemented it which was supported by its A2 Programme. As a result of the DUE-Like grant, FPMIPA has a computer “base” for the development of educational and learning innovation programmes. A number of other educational and training support facilities through various government competition grants such as DUE-LIKE, SP4, PHK A2, PHK A1, TPSDP, and I-MHERE had also been attempted. Educational facilities owned by FPMIPA include books, laboratory facilities, computer laboratory facilities, multimedia study rooms, audio-visual facilities, learning media, and other educational support facilities.

The developments of this institution occurred after the issuance of Presidential Decree Num. 11/2006 on May 11th 2006 regarding the change in the status of IKIP State of Singaraja to UNDIKSHA or Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. By this development, starting from the Academic Year of 2006/2007, FPMIPA was led by Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Pujawan, M.Si. who was democratically elected as the Dean of FMIPA for the period 2006 – 2010 which was finally extended to 2011. This extension was carried out due to changes in the rector election procedure published by the Ministry of National Education which ultimately affected the leadership period at the faculty level. During this period, FPMIPA still supervised five departments, namely the Mathematics Education Department (Bachelor Programme), the Physics Education Department (Bachelor Programme), the Biology Education Department (Bachelor Programme), the Chemistry Education Department (Bachelor Programme), and the Chemical Analysis Department (Associate Programme).

Based on the Minister of National Education Regulation Num. 29 of 2007 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of UNDIKSHA, the name of the faculty was adjusted by eliminating the word education for all faculties so that the FPMIPA or Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education) became the FMIPA or Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences). This was a manifestation of the expansion of the mandate to develop non-educational department/study programmes within the FMIPA environment. In further developments, through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Num. 972/D/T/2008 on April 8th, 2008 regarding the Implementation of the Department of Marine Cultivation (Associate Programme), since the Academic Year of 2008/2009 FMIPA had supervised six departments, namely the Mathematics Education Department (Bachelor Programme), the Physics Education Department (Bachelor Programme), the Biology Education Department (Bachelor Programme), the Chemistry Education Department (Bachelor Programme), and the Chemical Analysis Department (Associate Programme), and Marine Cultivation Department (Associate Programme). At the beginning of his existence, Dr. Ida Bagus Jelantik Suasta, M.Si was assigned as the Head of the Marine Cultivation Department (Associate Programme).

Starting from the academic year of 2010/2011, FMIPA of UNDIKSHA has opened one pilot programme, namely International Standard Class Pilot for four bachelor programmes, namely the Mathematics Education Department, the Chemistry Education Department, the Biology Education Department, and the Physics Education Department. In this academic year, FMIPA would then be led by Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Putu Arnyana, M.Si who was elected as the Dean for the 2011-2015 period.

In the third period of FMIPA leadership, which was in the Academic Year of 2014/2015, FMIPA supervised an additional 1 more department, namely Education through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Num. 359/E/O/2014, on August 27th, 2014 regarding the permit for the administration of Science Education Study Programme (Bachelor Programme). Thus, in this academic year, FMIPA had overseen seven departments, namely the Mathematics Education Department (Bachelor Programme), the Physics Education Department (Bachelor Programme), the Biology Education Department (Bachelor Programme), the Chemistry Education Department (Bachelor Programme), the Chemical Analysis Department (Associate Programme), Marine Cultivation Department (Associate Programme), and the Science Education Department (Bachelor Degree). At the beginning of this operation, Dr. Ni Made Pujani, M.Si was assigned as the Head of the Science Education Department. 

By the increasing need for Indonesian human resources who are highly competitive in various scientific aspects, including in the Mathematics and Science field, FMIPA will continue to develop new study programmes. Therefore, the direction of the development of FMIPA of UNDIKSHA as outlined in this Strategic Plan includes developing a new competitive study programme and revitalizing the association programmes as an effort to meet the demands of these needs.