“To Become a Reference Study Programme in Chemistry Area Based on the Tri Hita Karana (Three Causes to Prosperity) Philosophy in Asia No Later than 2045”.


  1. Organizing dignified education and teaching to produce human resources in chemistry that are competitive, collaborative and have character.
  2. Conducting research and development in chemistry that is competitive, collaborative and innovative and has a high impact on the advancement of science and technology.
  3. Organizing community service as the application of chemistry in a multidisciplinary manner to improve the welfare and peace of the community


  1. To produce graduates who have broad knowledge with theoretical and practical understanding in chemistry and related disciplines to continue their studies and develop their careers.
  2. To produce graduates who are able to demonstrate professional work with responsibility in their field of work, can communicate effectively, and adapt to diverse team work environments.
  3. To produce graduates who have social care and responsibility towards society and the environment by contributing to solving problems or producing improvements by demonstrating high work ethic standards.

Profile of Graduates

  1. Scientist in Chemistry
    a. To be able to apply various methods to plan, implement, and evaluate research and development in chemistry by applying conceptual and procedural knowledge of chemistry, as well as utilizing various resources that are oriented towards remarkable and competitive academic work that are widely needed in the chemical industry, research center and development, and chemistry laboratories.
  2. b. To be able to make reports and publish chemistry research
    c. To be able to continue studies to a higher level related to chemistry
  3. Practitioner in Chemistry
    a.To have logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of science development and technology in chemistry that applies humanities values that are indispensable as a practitioner or consultant in the field of chemistry
    b. To be able to provide excellent science and technology services in solving problems of society, business and industry, and various agencies, both government and non-government agencie
  4. Entrepreneur in Chemistry
    a. To be able to plan, implement, and evaluate business plans in the chemical sector by applying the results of research, science and technology, as well as utilizing various resources, which are profit-oriented and economic value.

For more information about Chemistry