Singaraja- Undiksha’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) is designed to develop science and technology as well as produce educational and non-educational personnel in the fields of Mathematics and Science who are of high quality and competitiveness. In order to realize this, this faculty is preparing strategic programs, including for 2023. A program preparation and budget allocation meeting was held, on Thursday (3/2/2022).
Dean of FMIPA Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nengah Suparta, M.Si., conveyed examples of program orientation for 2023, including the formation of taskforces, IKU achievements, Quality Control Group (GKM) recommendation implementation teams, Bilingual teams, journal indexation development teams at FMIPA, certified laboratories, space design standard class, international and competency certified staff. These programs are an effort to accelerate the realization of the faculty’s vision, namely to become a superior faculty in Mathematics and Natural Sciences based on the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy in Asia by 2045 and to support the acceleration of realizing Undiksha’s vision, namely to become a superior university based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy. in Asia in 2045. “Of course, the program we are designing is aimed at creating better faculties and universities. “Budget management is also the same,” he explained.
Specifically regarding the academic sector, Deputy Dean I FMIPA, Dr.I Wayan Sukra Warpala, S.Pd., M.Sc. explained that there are several central issues in the management of higher education since the launch of Merdeka Belajar and Independent Campus. This issue boils down to improving the quality of higher education institutions (PT) which refers to clustering (Achievement of Higher Education KPI) and 9 Criteria Accreditation.
Meanwhile, for the financial sector, Deputy Dean II FMIPA, Dr. I Gusti Lanang Wiratma, M.Si., said that the budget ceiling for 2023 is relatively the same compared to 2022. This is because the number of students registering is stable. Meanwhile, for student affairs, Deputy Dean III, I Nyoman Sukarta, S.Pd, M.Sc., said that program development still refers to the Main Performance Indicators, Study Program Accreditation, SIMKATMAWA, and the dean’s work contract. Apart from that, it also prioritizes student development services in the form of reasoning, interests, talents, soft skills, welfare, counseling guidance, career guidance, and health.
This activity presented Undiksha’s Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Administration, Finance, and Human Resources, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd., as a resource person. On this occasion, he conveyed that in an effort to realize Undiksha as IRUEL, in accordance with the Chancellor’s policy direction, in 2023 there are three strategic policy pillars that must be carried out together from the rectorate level to the department with the lecturers in it, namely good governance, good budgeting, and good achievement. “Relying on these three policy pillars, all programs and budget allocations in every faculty, institution, postgraduate, unit and other strategic supporting elements must be derivatives and real translations of the three,” he stressed. Apart from that, the budget is also directed at strengthening learning facilities and infrastructure, qualifications, and professionalism of human resources, clustering, accelerating IRUEL, and accelerating PTN BH