The FMIPA or Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) UNDIKSHA or Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha plays a role facilitate to all study programmes for curriculum development through provision of funds, facilities, and infrastructures used in the process of drafting and developing curriculum. The development as one of the very strategic programmes that periodically conducted by FMIPA UNDIKSHA to use upgrade the quality graduate of as well as support academics atmosphere to be more conducive, so that in it can increase the FMIPA competitiveness at the national level.
The curriculum in this period is in each department within FMIPA is 2012 curriculum, 2013 curriculum, and IQF curriculum. Each curriculum is used in accordance year force student.
The learning model used in the FMIPA is a learning model based on PBL (Based Learning Programme), SCL (Student Center Learning) methods and implementation of curriculum based on competence. Coordination is always done among party manager with department as well as study programmes, use ensure implementation of the maximum learning process.
FMIPA of UNDIKSHA attempted for create academic atmosphere and at the same time strengthen behavior academic for whole academic civitas. A number of policies carried out FMIPA UNDIKSHA manager for upgrading academic atmosphere of their programme activity academic as meeting leader with student (Student Communication Forum), restrictions total mentor, autonomy science, pulpit academic for upgrading interaction academic among lecturers and students.
In creating academic atmosphere, administrator emphasize importance study with sks or sistem kredit semester (credits) in each semester in meeting among master programme leader with new students.