The Undergraduate Mathematics Study Program (Prodi) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Ganesha Education University underwent an online field assessment process by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT).
The activity took place virtually via the Zoom meeting application, Friday (7/5/2021) until today, Saturday (8/5/2021). On this occasion, present representing BAN-PT as a team of assessors, namely Prof. Dr. Agus Suryanto, M.Sc from Brawijaya University, and Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni ??from Gadjah Mada University.
The activity was officially opened by Deputy Chancellor I of Ganesha University of Education, Dr. Gede Rasben Dantes, S.T, M.T.I. and attended by Higher Education Leaders, Faculty Leaders, Chair of LP3M, Chair of LP2M, Head and Secretary of PJM, Chair of SPI, Head of UPT-TIK, Head of UPT library, Head of UPT Languages, Head of UPT PKKM, Head of Labdikdu, KTU and Head of FMIPA Subdivision, Staff FMIPA Education, Permanent Lecturer in Undergraduate Mathematics Study Program, Chair of FMIPA Laboratory, Chair and Secretary of GKM FMIPA, Chair and Secretary of Mathematics Department, LED and LKPS preparation team, Chair of BEM FMIPA and HMJ Mathematics.
Next, there is a session with UPPS Confirmation regarding UPPS development plans, face-to-face system, management system, reported UPPS achievements, and accredited PS development plans. Confirmation of LKPS Data Determination of final LKPS data which will be used as the basis for quantitative item assessment, Session with Internal Quality Assurance Implementers Confirmation of the implementation, results, and effectiveness of the SPMI process at UPPS which covers the entire PPEPP cycle. Checking standard documents, manuals, instruments/tools, and periodic reports on SPMI results in the Study Program Management Unit, Supporting Document Checking Session Checking Relevant supporting documents, Session with the Accreditation Team Confirming data and information in the Self Evaluation Report (LED), Session with ( middle) Management at UPPS, Confirmation of aspects related to the implementation of higher education management for functional areas: academic programs (tridharma) and resource management (HR, finance, assets and facilities.
The second day, Saturday (8/5/2021), continued with a session with students confirming student involvement, achievement, service, and satisfaction, a session with staff confirming the performance, involvement, service, and satisfaction of educational staff, a session with lecturers confirming performance, involvement and service, and lecturer satisfaction, Field Observation Checking centralized facilities (laboratory, library, information system management), lecturer and staff rooms, other facilities using video / live tour. Submission of feedback and signing of AL Minutes Submission of Minutes to UPPS Leadership and Checking News Field assessment event by the leadership of PT.
The online field assessment event was closed with a Wrap-Up / Closing of the Assessment, Signing of the Minutes of Field Assessment, and Wrap-Up.
Through this online visitation activity, it is hoped that the accreditation score for the Undergraduate Mathematics Study Program will get the best results and make us all happy.