"The 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (IConMNS 2023) in collaboration with LUPIC (Leading University Project For International Cooperation)"
October 9th - 10th, 2023
Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia
About IConMNS 2023
The 4th IConMNS is organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Ganesha University of Education. The aim of the conference is to bring together experts, researchers, and scholars from all over the world to discuss the latest advancements in mathematics and natural sciences, and how they can be used to promote education and research for sustainable development. This conference will be an international platform for sharing ideas, exchanging knowledge, and fostering collaborations that will enable us to address the challenges facing our world today.
The scope of 4th IConMNS covers various fields of studies, namely chemistry, physics, mathematics, computational science, marine science, life science, environmental science, computer science, mathematics education, physics education, chemistry education, and biology education.
All papers will be peer-reviewed and selected papers will be in an indexed international proceeding. Other papers will be published in SINTA-accredited journals.
In this year, the 4th IConMNS will have 4 keynote speakers, and 12 scientists as invited speakers. It is our great pleasure to invite researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students worldwide to present their research results in the IConMNS.
![Prof. Dr. Ingo Eilks](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/05/23100548/Prof.-Dr.-Ingo-Eilks.jpg)
Prof. Dr. Ingo Eilks
![Prof. Dr. Won Koo Lee](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/05/23100526/Prof.-Dr.-Won-Koo-Lee.jpg)
Prof. Dr. Won Koo Lee
![Prof. Satoshi Ohkura](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/05/23100528/Prof.-Satoshi-Ohkura.jpg)
Prof. Satoshi Ohkura, Ph.D.
![Prof. Dr. Roslan Hasni](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/05/23100522/Prof.-Dr.-Roslan-Hasni.jpg)
Associate Prof. Dr. Roslan Hasni.
![Prof. Dr. I Nengah Suparta](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/05/23100547/Prof.-Dr.-I-Nengah-Suparta.jpg)
Prof. Dr. I Nengah Suparta
![Prof. Dr. Hadi Suwono](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/05/23100542/Prof.-Dr.-Hadi-Suwono.jpg)
Prof. Dr. Hadi Suwono
![Prof. Dr. Wiyanto](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/05/23100524/Prof.-Dr.-Wiyanto.jpg)
Prof. Dr. Wiyanto
![Dr. Yanti Yulianti](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/05/23100531/Dr.-Yanti-Yulianti.jpg)
Dr. Yanti Yulianti, S.Si., M.Si.
![prof foto Dr. Emmy Yuanita](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/07/23082638/prof-foto-Dr.-Emmy-Yuanita.jpg#47889)
Prof. Dr. Emmy Yuanita, M.Si.
![Dr. Eng. Luther Alexander Latumakulita](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/05/23100530/Dr.-Eng.-Luther-Alexander-Latumakulita.jpg)
Dr. Eng. Luther Alexander Latumakulita, S.Si., M.Kom.
![Xiang Yang (Gordon) Ye](https://cdn.undiksha.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2023/07/13081644/Xiang-Yang-Gordon-Ye.jpg#47861)
Prof. Xiang-Yang Ye, Ph.D.
- Fill in the registration form on the IConMNS official website.
- Submit abstract electronically via this following link no later than August 10th 2023. Abstract and Fullpaper template can be downloaded here.
- Notification of the accepted abstracts will be announced on August 31th 2023.
- For those whose accepted abstracts, please kindly make the payment for registration before September 15th 2023 and submit your proof of payment via the given link. We would not be able to process your registration without confirmation.
- Please do not forget to submit the full paper electronically via IConMNS website no later than November 1st 2023. Acceptance of full paper is based on reviewer(s) evaluation. Notification of full paper acceptance will be informed to the author.
- Support letters for entry visa will only be issued to attendees who have successfully paid their registration fees in full amount.
- Certificates only given to the participant or attendee have registered their attendance at the conference registration desk.
Non-presenter participants can register through the IConMNS official website and make the registration payment before September 15th 2023. Once the payment is made, please send proof of payment via the given link. We would not be able to process your registration without confirmation.
Authors are invited to submit original contributions (written in English) to the conference. Only original papers not published or submitted for publication elsewhere can be submitted. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Astronomy
- Earth Science
- Environmental Science
- Marine Science
- Fisheries
- Limnology
- Statistics
- Data Mining
- Computer Science
- Mathematics Education
- Physics Education
- Biology Education
- Chemistry Education
- Science education
Online paper submission For the 4th IConmNS 2023 is now open
Important Dates
- Registration
May 20th - September 15th, 2023 - Abstract submission deadline
September 10th, 2023 - Announcement of accepted abstract
September 13th, 2023 - Early Bird Registration and payment deadline
September 16th, 2023 - Standard Registration and payment deadline
September 20th, 2023 - Date of the Conference
October 9th - 10th, 2023 - Full Paper submission deadline
November 1st, 2023 - Revised paper submission deadline
December 31st, 2023
Preparation of Submission
Use the following templates to prepare your paper:
Registration and Conference Fee
Registration Fee
The payment can be made by bank transfer. To do the payment, use the bank account of IConMNS 2023 below. After the payment, please do confirmation of payment in the website.
Registration fee includes the two days of the conference (all sessions and keynotes), seminar kit, souvenir, coffee breaks and lunches for all participants.
Registration Payment
The payment can be made by bank transfer. To do the payment, use the bank account of IConMNS 2023 below. After making the payment, the participant MUST upload the transfer proof here.
Once the committee has confirmed your payment, a payment receipt will be sent to the email address you used to register. Bank Account for Registration Payment:
Account number : 0088-01-018927-53-1
Bank Code : 002
Swift Code : BRINIDJA
- Prof. Dr. I Nengah Suparta, M.Si. (Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia)
- Dr. I Wayan Sukra Warpala, M.Sc. (Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia)
- Dr. I Gusti Lanang Wiratma, M.Si. (Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia)
- I Nyoman Sukarta,SPd.,M.Si . (Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia)
- Dr. I Wayan Puja Astawa,S.Pd, MStat.Sci
- I Wayan Mudianta,S.Pd., M.Phil., PhD
- Luh Mitha Priyanka, S.Pd., M.Pd
- Luh Sri Astri Muliantari, SE
- Kadek Swandewi, A.Md
- I Gede Arjana, S.Pd., M.Sc. RWTH
- I Made Oka Riawan, S.Pd., M.Sc.
- Jasmine Masyitha Amelia, S.Pi., M.Si.
- I Nyoman Budayana, S.Pd., M.Sc.
- Gressty Sari br. Sitepu, S.Pi.,M.Si
- Ni Wayan Martiningsih, S.Si.,M.Sc
- Ida Ayu Purnama Bestari, S.Pd.,M.Sc
- I Gusti Bagus Suryaningrat, SE
- Putu Darsana, S.Pt
- Dr. I Gede Aris Gunadi, M.Si (Koordinator)
- Dr. Gede Agus Beni Widana, M.Si
- Safira Noor Adnyani, S.Si., M.Si
- Putu Widiarini, S.Pd., M.Sc
- Ni Putu Dian Pertiwi, S.Si., M.Si
- Putu Kartika Dewi, S.Pd., M.Sc
- I Nengah Edi Budiarta, S.Pd., M.Sc
- Dr. I Nyoman Dodik Prasetia, M.Si (Koordinator)
- Dr. Putu Artawan, M.Si
- Ni Luh Putu Ananda Saraswati, S.Si., M.Si
- Raphita Yanisari Silalahi, M.Sc.
- Dr. I Wayan Suja, M.Si.
- Prof. Dr. Putu Wisna Ariawan, M.Si
- Prof. Dr. Ni Made Pujani, M.Si
- Prof. Dr. Ketut Suma, M.S.
- Prof. Dr. I Made Sutajaya, M.Kes
- Prof. Dr. I Dewa Ketut Sastra Widana, M.Si
- Dr. Gede Ari Yudasmara, M.Si
- Dr. I Nyoman Sukajaya, M.T
- Dr. Ir. Ketut Srie Marhaeni Julyasih, M.Si
- Dr. Luh Putu Budi Yasmini, S.Pd., M.Sc
- Dr. I Gede Suweken, M.Sc
- Putu Prima Juniartina, S.Pd., M.Pd
- Komang Agus Artana
- Gede Widiasa, A,Md
- Sofyan A. Rahman, A.Md
- I Made Agus Ardiana, A.Md
- Dewa Made Agus Ariawan, S.Pd
- Ketut Ariawan
- Putu Astawa, A.Md
- Luh Putu Kasnawati, SE
- Ni Luh Sumartini
- Ni Nyoman Tri Septiarini, S.Pd.,M.Pd
- Putu Dinda Karina Mahendri, S.Pd
- Luh Sri Wijayanti, S.Pd
- Kadek Adi Subagia, A.Md
- Ida Bagus Wiradinata, S.Pd
![IconMNS 2023](https://fmipa.undiksha.ac.id/iconmns2021/bg-undiksha.jpeg)
Udayana Street No. 11 Singaraja - Bali 81116
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (UNDIKSHA) is a state-run higher education institution which already scored human resources both in the education and non-education sector. In the field of education Undiksha is the biggest scorer of human resources in Bali. Up to now Undiksha already produced more than thirty thousand graduates, most of them being education personnel. The history of Undiksha started with the B-1 course to prepare teachers for the Indonesian Language in 1955 and business teachers on high school level in 1957. In the year 1962 both mentioned courses were joined to become the Faculty of Teachership and Education Science of the Airlangga University. In the same year FKIP became a part of the Udayana University and in 1963 became the Singaraja branch of IKIP Malang. In the year 1968 FKIP was made into the two faculties Teachership and Science Education, then returned as a part of the Udayana University. In the year 1981 FKG and FIP were merged to become FKIP University Udayana. In the year 1993 FKIP split from UNUD to become STKIP Singaraja and in the year 2001 became IKIP (Negeri) Singaraja. After the long process to go through both the mentioned courses finally became Undiksha after IKIP Singaraja´s status was changed into becoming “Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha” (Undiksha) by the presidential order number 11/2006, date 11th May 2006.
General Information About Bali
Bali is one of the most popular tourist destination in the world. A huge number of honeymooners and holidaymakers come to this island. Famous for its dance and music, many carvings, paintings, leather as well as metalworking are quite popular here. The rapid growth of development in tourism has had a big impact and influences to Bali tradition and lifestyle. Interestingly, Balinese culture is still as what it was, growing along with the of globalization. Truly beautiful tropical island inhabited by a remarkably artistic people who have created a dynamic society with unique arts and ceremonies. It is the Balinese civilization what makes the island different from other destination.
Geographic & Climate
Geographically, Bali lies between the islands of Java and Lombok. Bali is small, stretching approximately 140 km from east to west 80 km from north to south. The tallest of a string of volcanic mountains that run from the east to the west, is Gunung Agung, which last erupted in 1963. Lying just 8 south of the equator, Bali boasts a tropical climate with just two seasons (wet and dry) a year and an average annual temperature of around 23C to 33C. High humidity can be expected during the Wet Season between the months of October - April. The Dry Season between the months of May - September have also the lowest humidity. The Wet Season brings daily rain and quiet overcast days with the most rain recorded between December - February. Occasionally rainfall can also be expected during the dry season but usually at night or very early morning. June - August there is usually a very refreshing cool breeze all day long. The central mountain area is typically cooler than the lower coastal areas mainly especially at night.
People & Religion
With 3,409,845 million people (Statistic 2008), Bali is a very densely populated island. The population is almost all Indonesian, with the usual small Chinese contingent in the big towns, a sprinkling of Indian merchants, plus a number of more or less permanent visitors amongst the Westerners in Bali. Balinese people have been Hindus for eight hundred years, since the remnants of the Majapahit empire were forced from Java by the spread of Islam. They follow a branch of Hinduism that owes a lot to that of India, but is quite different. The most obvious discrepancy is that the Balinese eat cows, but there are numerous others.
Unlike any other island in largely Muslim Indonesia, Bali is a pocket of Hindu religion and culture. Every aspect of Balinese life is suffused with religion, but the most visible signs are the tiny offerings (canang sari) found in every Balinese house, work place, restaurant, souvenir stall and airport check-in desk. These leaf trays are made daily and can contain an enormous range of offering items: flowers, glutinous rice, cookies, salt, and even cigarettes and coffee! They are set out with burning incense sticks and sprinkled with holy water no less than three times a day, before every meal. Don't worry if you step on one, as they are placed on the ground for this very purpose and will be swept away anyway.
Contact Us
Contact Person:
- Dr. I Wayan Puja Astawa, S.Pd., M.Stat.Sci.
Phone Number : +62 812-4683-915
Email : puja.astawa@undiksha.ac.id
- I Gede Arjana, S.Pd., M.Sc. RWTH
Phone Number : +62 877-0143-6225
Email : igede.arjana@undiksha.ac.id
![IconMNS 2023](https://conference.undiksha.ac.id/ICLSSE-2023/assets/img/logoundiksha.png)
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Phone: (0362) 25072
Support by:
![IconMNS 2023](https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/public/site/images/adminjurnal/sinta-logo-aeb0b25822e61c6981d89a9b112a84fe.png)
In collaboration with